Smart plaza polytech

Communication campaign design for shopping mall

Smart Plaza Polytech is a shopping mall with an interesting format, located in one of the centers of students movement - Polytechnichnyi institute metro station.

Our first thoughts were the average size of the mall, a small amount of everything... it was kind of confusing. I mean, what should we talk about, if there is only a little stuff...

We started to analyze. We came to a conclusion that despite its size, Smart Plaza Polytech covers all basic needs: a large food court, a grocery store, restaurants, a cinema, a sport club, dozens of stores and an underground parking lot.
Most importantly, it meets these needs QUICKLY. Unlike the big malls, that grabs you in for all day. In this particular one, we found its uniqueness and essence.

It's a mall of "hop in, do what you need and keep moving" format. It's a place of quick, smart shopping. We also added brightness to the graphics, as the number of young people there is huge.